八打灵再也 希尔顿酒店的巧克力蛋糕优惠
平时一公斤的巧克力蛋糕是 RM65
而促销期间每天推出大约 80 个巧克力蛋糕而已
优惠截止日期是: 二零零九年八月十八日
Introduced by a friend...
Chocolate Cake Promotion @ Hilton Petaling Jaya
usually 1kg of this cake is priced at RM65
Only around 80 cakes are available daily
so it is advisable to book it in advance to avoid disappointment
Valid till 18 August 2009
一公斤的巧克力蛋糕 RM25:
1 kg of Chocolate Cake @ RM25 :
price excluding 5% tax
minimal decoration with just a fresh strawberry and a chocolate stick
最好是从冰箱拿出来整十分钟后才食用 巧克力比较软滑
有些朋友却喜欢从冰箱拿出来马上吃 口感硬硬的有些嚼劲
怎么吃都好 这蛋糕非常美味可口 充满巧克力的味道
It is moist and super rich:
best eaten after taking out from the fridge for about 10 minutes when the cake and the thick chocolate coating is soft
but some like it right out from the fridge as the coating will be hard and chewy
either way this is a very aromatic choc cake ~ delicious!!
most importantly it is not too sweet...
Hilton Petaling Jaya
2 Jalan Barat
46200 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 603 7955 9122
看来很不错哦, 不过价钱有点贵咯...
promo priced only at 25? that's great!!!
do u queue up long for this?
that's a steal!!!!!!
wow...really cheap...look delicious...
安德生 :
而且每个人的PICK UP TIME 也不一样啊~ ^_^
Akira 思胜 :
1KG 才 RM25 贵?! o.O
更何况这是五星级酒店哦 >.<"
ai wei :
no queue... just call them to book your cake, confirm the date and go collect later ~ ^_^
mimid3vils :
yes, wat are u waiting for ? ^_^
squall :
go call and book ur cake now!! ^O^
choc cake that is not too sweet and almost bitter is my fav!
PJ Hilton doing public service. Understand there was a flooger event at their Chinese restaurant. But RM25 too good to be true.
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