In a few days more we will be celebrating CNY...
here are two types of special snacks we came across this year
而这个是不同的 ~
Kuih Kapit with Meat Floss:
This is from my boss...
according to him this is home made and from Penang
Kuih Kapit a.k.a. crispy egg roll or love letters are usually fold into triangular shape but this is different
they look like this in the tin ~

See the inside... meat loss !!
All of us love this

我们到他们位于 bandar Puteri Puchong 的新家去作客时拿回来的
很特别也很好吃 ~
Deep Fried Lotus Root Crackers:
This is from Boeys...
We visited their new house in Bandar Puteri Puchong and came back with this
first time we tried this lotus root crackers
the lotus root is very thinly sliced and deep fried ~ very delicious

Deep Fried Lotus Root Crackers!! CNY i go your house and eat lo~ remember ang pao also :P
kuih kapit with meat floss?! and also deep fried lotus root slices?! ahhh... never try before! where 'd u bought them?
deep fried lotus root!!! nice!!! mom promise to make that but but.. i don think she rmb mii!! kapit wif meat loss ROXXX!! love the combination
I am very tempted to make lotus chips this year. Any salt inside? The egg roll with meat floss pretty new here but in Macau, i see it everywhere. But egg roll type instead of love letter type.
every year also ngar ku...perhaps it's time for lotus roots! nice! healthier too..hehe
yes yes yes, you're right. this can be found in Penang Gurney Drive.
nothing like the triangular kuih kapit! sorry lah, even the rolled-up ones dun measure up ;>
Your Chinese New Year Snack -
Love Letters--is quite the same as Fortune Cookies in the U.S. and Thai Traditional Dessert ........
Histoy of Food....
My mom thinks the trade of the eating culture had started long long time ago...
My mom and my dad really appreciate that u come to talk with us...
Oh and they still tell me that
U r also the good photographer....
U take the photo of the food.....Nicely....
My mom is curious to know that
Are there many people in your county bring the dogs to the restaurants....??
Is that against the law???
Thank a mlillion to support our family.....
So glad to know u and
we look forward to reading your BLOG..........
Have a nice meal!!!!!
we bought some tht day ; lotus root crackers..very crunchy and it has tat ngar ku kind of texture also..but quite expensive ler..
♥ ♡ Alvin ♡ ♥ :
hahahaaa... too late d
as i only have one tub of this, all gone d, sorry :p
ai wei :
they are all gifts ~ ^_^
yammylicious :
hope u will get some during cny ~ ^_^
Precious Pea :
the deep fried lotus roots is just like fried nga-ku, without salt ^_^
Nic :
at least something new mar ~ ^_^
New Kid on the Blog :
i still cant find them over here... =.="
squall :
新年快乐 ~ ^_^
Jun :
hahaha.... we still have the triangle ones, this is the add-on ~ ^_^
aim :
tks so much for your support ~ ^_^
i have frens who bring their dogs out for meal, but usually is an open area which is also a halal place... as we have to be sensitive to other races in our country ^_^
there was once we went to a Japanese restaurant, they cant accommodate us inside the restuarant but do not mind to arrange a table for us outside the restaurant at the smoking area, which we find that pretty cool ~ ^_^
"Joe" who is constantly craving :
i find it more tasty than nga-ku, maybe had been having that for years and got tire of it d ~ :p
冬凡 :
也比较特别啊... ^_^
哇,从不知道莲藕有这种吃法, yummy~~~
mang0 :
希望越来越容易买得到咯 ~ ^_^
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